*Atwood, S.A., Carberry, A.R. (2015-2018) Making grades meaningful: standards based grading for engineeering project courses. Principal investigator: Adam Carberry, Arizona State University, co-investigators Sara Atwood, Heidi Diefes-Dux, and Matthew Siniawski. Continued work funded by: National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education. Amount funded: $248,893.
*Atwood, S.A., Siniawski, M.T., & Carberry, A.R. (2014, June) Using standards-based grading to effectively assess project-based design courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education in Indianapolis, IN.
*Atwood, S.A., & Read-Daily, B. (2015, June) Using a creative fiction assignment to teach ethics in a first-year introduction to engineering course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education in Seattle, WA.
Atwood, S. A. (Principal Investigator). (2013-2018). Engineering practices with impact cohort (EPIC) scholarship for high achieving women in engineering at Elizabethtown College. National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education, S-Stem Program. Amount funded: $531,885.
Seymour, K. M., & Atwood, S. A. (2013). Computational analysis of microstructure of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene for total joint replacement. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135, 021017-1-6.
*2016 Submission
* Silberstein, M., Stuckey, W.M., & McDevitt, T. (2012). Being, becoming and the undivided universe: a dialogue between relational blockworld and the implicate order concerning the unification of relativity and quantum theory. Foundations of Physics, 43(4), 502-532.
* Silberstein, M., Stuckey, W.M., & McDevitt, T. (2015). Relational blockworld: providing a realist psi-epistemic account of quantum mechanics. International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 1, 123-170.
* Silberstein, M., Stuckey, W.M., & McDevitt, T. (2016). Concerning quadratic interaction in the quantum cheshire cat experiment. International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 2, 17-31.
Silberstein, M., Stuckey, W.M., & McDevitt, T. (2012). Being, becoming and the undivided universe: a dialogue between relational blockworld and the implicate order concerning the unification of relativity and quantum theory. Foundations of Physics, 43(4), 502-532.
Silberstein, M., Stuckey, W.M., & McDevitt, T. (2015). Relational blockworld: providing a realist psi-epistemic account of quantum mechanics. International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 1, 123-170.
Silberstein, M., Stuckey, W.M., & McDevitt, T. (2016). Concerning quadratic interaction in the quantum cheshire cat experiment. International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 2, 17-31.
2016 Submission