A German-English Dictionary of Idioms, 1966. 433 T245g, located on level 3
An English-German dictionary of idioms; idiomatic and figurative English expressions with German translations ,1969, 438.3 En57e
located on level 3
Countries and their Cultures. 4 volumes. Ref 327.0905 C855, located in reference on level 2
Culture and Customs of Germany. 306.0943 B531c, located on level 3
Dictionary of German Synonyms, 1971. 433.21 F245d, located on level 3
Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture. Ref 943 En56, located in reference on level 2
German Literature: a Critical Survey, 1971. Ref 830.9 B672dEt, located in reference level 2
Modern German Literature, 2 vols., 1972 Ref 830.90091 D666m, located in reference level 2
The Oxford Companion to German Literature, 1986. Ref 830.9 G23, located in reference level 2
The Oxford Duden German Dictionary, 1990 Ref 433 Ox98 1990, located in reference level 2
The High Library Special Collections contain rare books, manuscripts and additional primary source documents, many of which are in the original Pennsylvania Dutch or German language. The Special Collections are housed in the Brethren Heritage Room Archives located on level 3 of the High Library. Patrons may request to use this sources by contacting the High Library staff during regular business hours.