A Practical English-Chinese Pronouncing Dictionary Ref 495.132 C518p, located in reference level 2
Countries and their Cultures. 4 volumes. Ref 327.0905 C855, located in reference level 2
Modern China: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture and Nationalism. Ref 951.003 M689, located in reference level 2
Oxford Chinese dictionary : English-Chinese - Chinese English = [Niujin Ying Han, Han Ying ci dian] , 495.132 Ox982 , located on level 3
Oxford Chinese dictionary : English-Chinese, Chinese-English = Ying-Han, Han-Ying , Ref 495.132 Ox98
1 copy located in reference level 2 and 1 copy located on level 3 (same call number) Multimedia disks to accomopany texts available at library circulation desk.