Concise Oxford French Dictionary, 1980. Ref 443.2 C744, located in reference level 2
Concise Oxford Dictionary of French Literature, 1976 Ref 840.3 R356c, located in reference level 2
Countries and their Cultures. 4 volumes. Ref 327.0905 C855, located in reference level 2
Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture. Ref 944.0803 En56, located in reference level 2
French-English, English-French Dictionary, 1993 Ref 443.21 F873, located in reference level 2
Larousse de la Langue Francaise, 2 vols., 1977 , 443 L332, 2 copies located on level 3
Modern French Literature: a Library of Literary Criticism, 1977. Ref 840.009 M689, located in reference level 2