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Faculty Scholarship Celebration

Dr. Brenda Read-Daily's Scholarship

 Atwood, S.A., & Read-Daily, B. (2015) Using a creative fiction assignment to teach ethics in a first-year introduction to engineering course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education in Seattle, WA June 2015.

Dr. Gabriel Ricci's Scholarship

Dr. John Rohrkemper's Scholarship

Haines, J., & Rohrkemper, J. (2008, March 15). Las Madres de la Plaza [DVD]. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA.

Dr. Michael Roy's Scholarship

* Roy, M.M., Memmert, D., Frees, A., Radzevick, J., Pretz, J., & Noël, B. (2016) Rumination and performance in dynamic, team sport. Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science, 6. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02016.

Jones, M., Roy, M. M., & Verkuilen, J. (2014). Relationship between reflective rumination and musical ability. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8(2), 219-226. doi: 10.1037/a0035634

Article available via PsycArticles.

To access article from off-campus, use Outside Network Access.

Pretz, J. E., Brooking, J. B., Carlson, L. A., Humbert, T. K., Roy, M., Jones, M., & Memmert, D. (2014). Development and validation of a new measure of intuition: The types of intuition scale. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27, 454-467.

Roy, M. M., Devroop, K., & Getz, L. (in press). Improvement in South African students' outlook due to music involvement. Music Education Research. doi: 10.1080/14613808.2014.910183

2016 Submission

Dr. Matthew Skillen's Scholarship

* Sedun, A. & Skillen, M. (2015) The breath of life: a framework for re-storying teens and their teachers in summer school English through the two lungs of storytelling and dialogue. English Journal, 104(5), 102-105.

Skillen, M., Blunk, N., Kirgan, S., Orr, R., Pellegrino, K., Viscardi, A., & Walters, M. (2014). From innocence to relevance: Preservice teachers' reflections on attending the 2013 ALAN Workshop. ALAN Review, 41(3), 97-99.

*2016 Submission

Dr. Curtis Smith's Scholarship

Dr. Nobuaki Takahashi's Scholarship

Takahashi, N. (2014) Stressed intonation on recasts: differential effects in comparison with prompts. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 4(2), 15-28.



Dr. John Teske's Scholarship

Teske, J. A. (2013). From embodied to extended cognition. Zygon, 48(3), 759-787.

Article available via Academic Search Complete & in print.