The High Library and Hess Archives have a large collection of books and other materials on Amish topics.
To browse our full list of titles try a Library Catalog Subject search of Amish. You can try similar searches for other Anabaptist and Pietist groups.
The Clarence Spohn Collection is a collection of rare imprints from printers active in Ephrata from 1745 to about 1830, as well as artifacts pertaining to the Ephrata community (Ephrata Cloister), records and notes pertaining to legal transactions about the property, and Mr. Spohn’s copious research notes. Learn more and browse digitized books from the collection through the link above.
Anabaptist World USA (289.773 K91a - 3rd floor of the Library)
The Brethren Encyclopedia (Ref 286.5 B884)
Church of the Brethren Yearbook (286.5 C561 - 3rd floor of the Library)
A Companion to German Pietism, 1660-1800 (273.7 C737 - Young Center)
Concise Encyclopedia of Amish, Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites (Ref 289.7 K91c)
The Encyclopedia of Protestantism (Ref 280.403 En56)
An Introduction to German Pietism (273.7 Sh528i - 3rd floor of Library)
Mennonite Cyclopedic Dictionary (Ref 289.7 C973a)
The Mennonite Encyclopedia (Ref 289.703 M527)
Mennonite World Handbook: Mennonites in Global Witness (289.7 M5472 - 3rd floor of Library)
Mennonite Directory (Ref 289.705 M547 2001)
Bibliographies allow you to take advantage of the work others have already done in selecting and compiling sources relevant to your topic.
Annotated Bibliography of Mennonite Writings on War and Peace: 1930-1980. (Ref 261.870316 An615)
An Annotated Hutterite Bibliography (289.771016 K61a - 3rd floor of the library)
A Bibliography of the Old Order Amish (Ref 289.73016 H831b)
Durnbaugh, D.F. and L.W. Schultz (Eds.). (1964). A Brethren Bibliography, 1713-1963. Brethren Life & Thought, 9 (1-2), 3-177. (1st floor of the Library)
Durnbaugh, D.F. (Ed.). (1966). Supplement and Index to the Brethren Bibliography. Brethren Life & Thought, 11 (2), 37-65. (1st floor of the Library)
Durnbaugh, D.F. (Ed). (1970). A Second Supplement to the Brethren Bibliography. Brethren Life & Thought, 15(4), 187-204. (1st floor of the Library)
Shaffer, K.M. (Ed.). (1986). A Third Supplement to the Brethren Bibliography, 1970-1983. Brethren Life & Thought, 31(2), 70-110. (1st floor of the Library)
Mennonite Bibliography 1631-1961. (Ref 289.71016 Sp769m)
Mennonite Piety Through the Centuries; Its Genius and Its Literature (289.7 F911m - 3rd floor of the library)
The Sociology of Mennonites, Hutterites, and Amish: a Bibliography with Annotations, Vol. II 1977-1990. (289.771016 Sm662s v.2 - 3rd floor of library)