QuickSearch is a discovery tool that retrieves books, articles, media and more found in the High Library Catalog, databases, and digital collections. Use the facets on the left side of the results screen to narrow your search by publication type, language, date, topic and more.
On this page, we feature some of the newest books in our collection, as well as books generally about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
The following pages include books and ebooks from the library's collections. Each page highlights books by, for, and about historically marginalized communities.
These lists are by no means exhaustive! Use Quick Search to explore the library's catalog for additional materials.
The lists on this guide are a continuous work in progress. We welcome suggestions! Please send suggestions to ask@etown.libanswers.com.
Would your student group, department, or office like to create a featured list of books and resources? Contact Jennifer Strain.