Check out these papers, posters, and presentations by our students on DEIB topics!
Gates, Alexandra R.; Goldina, Anna Ph.D.; Wisco, Jonathan J. Ph.D.; and Filimonov, Anastasia M.S., "Examination of LGBTQIA+-Inclusive Recommendations Issued by Professional Medical Associations Across Healthcare Fields" (2022). Summer Scholarship, Creative Arts and Research Projects (SCARP). 25.
DiPasquale, Shaye Lynn, "Women in Radio: A (Her)Story" (2019). Communications: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 3.
Freels, Jessica, "Gender Stereotypes in Survivor" (2022). Communications: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 10.
Friedline, Sam, "Transgender Identity in Pre-modern Japan" (2020). Summer Scholarship, Creative Arts and Research Projects (SCARP). 9.
Weiss, Samantha, "Muslim Women According to the New York Times: A Post-September 11, Reading of American News Coverage" (2016). Communications: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 2.
Engelbrecht, Gillian, "How Do Current World History Curricula Map to a Global Perspective Approach to Multicultural Education?" (2018). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 2.
Fix, Kendra, "Diversity in Children's Literature" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 17.
Gehly, Samantha, "Placement of Young English Language Learners’ (ELLs’) in Reading Support : A Question of ELL Status or Learning Disability" (2018). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 4.
Hall, Kayla, "Un libro para mí/A Book for Me: Spanish/English Bilingual Literature in Early Childhood Education" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 15.
Hardy, Grace, "Supporting Students with Disabilities at Elizabethtown College Through Universal Design" (2022). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 30.
Langowski, Brooke, "Evaluating the Quality of Pre-Service Preparation for Teachers in Regard to Culturally Responsive Teaching for English Language Learners" (2022). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 29.
Mowery, Katelyn, "The Most Effective Teaching Strategies for at Risk Students With Mathematical Learning Disabilities" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 14.
Niznansky, Kathryn, "Becoming Feelings Detectives: A Curriculum Designed to Build Empathy in Students with High- Incidence Disabilities" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 21.
Nolte, Emily, "Prioritizing the Delivery of Services to Homeless Students Who Also Have Special Needs" (2018). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 5.
Palmer, Madisyn, "SEL Building Blocks to Transition Students with ASD" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 20.
Punte, Ashlee, "The Effects of Cyberbullying in Elementary School on Students With and Without Disabilities" (2018). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 1.
Rozman, Katharine F., "Se Habla Espanol: Incorporating Spanish in the Early Childhood Classroom" (2016). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 11.
Strickler, Kendra, "Examining the Impact of Cooperative Learning Groups on Social Interactions in Inclusive Classrooms" (2018). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 8.
Swartz, Elizabeth A., "A Curriculum for Culturally Diverse Pre-Kindergarten Students to Develop Self-Regulation, Empathy, and Problem Solving Skills" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 19.
VanCleef, Matthew T., "Teacher Perceptions of their Ability to Teach in Inclusive Classrooms" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 18.
Voler, Rebecca, "An Examination of Science Education in Different Cultural Settings" (2020). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 24.
Wilkinson, Kristin, "Benefits of Using Multicultural Literature to Introduce STEAM Topics to English Learners" (2019). Education: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 23.
Donlin, Margo; Cherry, Justin; McNulty, Samantha; and Liu, Hui, ""Doorbell" Alert System" (2019). Engineering: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 1.
Griffin, Nathan and Kobilnyk, Alexander, "Real-Time Control of a Virtual Hand Using Surface Electromyography" (2021). Summer Scholarship, Creative Arts and Research Projects (SCARP). 53.
Kutteh, Joe and Kobilnyk, Alexander, "Low-Cost, Biomimetic, Vibrotactile Stimulation for Non-Invasive Sensory Feedback" (2021). Summer Scholarship, Creative Arts and Research Projects (SCARP). 56.
Reth, Austin; Lumbert, Kyle; Romich, Scott; Shultz, Audrey; and Stencler, Catherine, "Innovation of Crutches" (2019). Engineering: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 2.
Easton, Rebecca, "Teardrop Teens and Happy Pills" (2019). English: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 6.
Erdlen, Emily, "“You have fixed my life- however short”- Wilfred Owen’s Homosexuality in His Poetry and Prose" (2021). English: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 11.
Mohn, Aprille Noelle, "Anxiety: Environmental and Otherwise" (2021). English: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 10.
Miller, Stephanie, "What Doesn't Kill You Still Hurts: Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Modern Young Adult Literature" (2019). English: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 5.
Romberger, Samantha, "Identity Development and Diversity in Fiction" (2020). English: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 8.
Cosgrove, Annie, "American Creoles: The Influence of Saint Domingue Refugees on New Orleans" (2019). History: Student Scholarship & Creative Work. 11.
Wieder, Emily, "Surrealism and Feminism from France to Mexico, 1914-1972" (2019). History: Student Scholarship & Creative Work. 5.
Bergman, Brooke A., "La influencia de motivación en la instrucción de estudiantes de lengua (The Influence of Motivation in the Instruction of Language Learners)" (2022). Modern Languages: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 15.
Germano, Melissa, "El aprendizaje de otro idioma en las escuelas en los Estados Unidos: c6mo los profesores pueden hacer que los estudiantes aprendan el idioma utilizando actividades divertidas y eficaces" (2019). Modern Languages: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 10.
Klepper, Delaney, "Implicaciones sociales y culturales para el cuidado de salud de los latinos en los Estados Unidos" (2020). Modern Languages: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 9.
Amspacher, Adam and Brackman, Nicole, "The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Occupational Therapy Private Practice" (2016). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 13.
Armstrong, Kelly Joy, "How Community-Based Nutrition Education Impacts Health Disparities Among Black American Adolescents: A Scoping Review" (2021). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 34.
Cox, Ashley Marie, "An Exploration of How Occupational Therapy Students' and Practitioners' Experiences Studying Abroad Affect Fieldwork and Practice" (2016). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 12.
Curtiss, Jenna, "Increasing Accessibility of a Children's Summer Camp" (2022). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 42.
Dinsmore, Hannah and McGovern, Colleen, "Exploring Employment Experiences from the Perspectives of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cross-Case Analysis" (2021). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 33.
Edinger, Kaitlyn R., "Client Perspectives of Engaging in Romantic Relationships After a Spinal Cord Injury: A Phenomenological Inquiry" (2021). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 32.
Guilfoy, Katelyn M., "Exploring Sensory Modulation Disorder in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Through Use of the Brain and Body Center Sensory Scales" (2016). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 8.
Knecht, Kaitlyn, "Exploring the Role of Occupational Therapy in Supporting Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsy" (2020). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 24.
Kruis, Katherine, "Exploring the Experiences After Traumatic Brain Injury" (2020). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 23.
Lantz, Chloe, "Parkinson's Disease: Gaining Hope and Help" (2022). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 39.
Lawson, Lydia, "A Structured Soccer Program Designed to Aid in the Development of Children with Autism" (2020). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 22.
Leete, Sydney, "Barriers to Parenting with Multiple Sclerosis: Development of a Resource Guide" (2022). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 38.
Matje, Meghan, "Support Networks, Students with Disabilities, and Social and Academic Contexts in a School Environment : A Scoping Review" (2020). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 21.
Pellicano, Emily, "Playgrounds Should Be a Place for All Children" (2022). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 41.
Steingraber, Erin E., "Examining the Novel "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" Using a Narrative Inquiry Analysis: How do Sensory Behaviors Impact Adolescents?" (2016). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 5.
Tyrrell, Madison, "The Use of Yoga in Occupational Therapy for Neurologically Involved Clients" (2020). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 19.
Ziegler, Missy, "The Impact of Fall Prevention Education for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease" (2019). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 16.
Ziff, Megan, "Assessing Quality of Life Needs in Individuals with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and the Potential Role of Occupational Therapy" (2016). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 4.
Oursler, Patrick, "Recognizing the Structural Oppression of Black Americans in the United States." (2019). Politics, Philosophy, and Legal Studies: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 13.
Sebio, Evan, "Leading the Pack: How the Politics of Colin Kaepernick is Changing the Ethical Landscape of the NFL" (2019). Politics, Philosophy, and Legal Studies: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 7.
Claari, Rosarito M.J., "Confabulatory Introspection in Emerging Adults with Symptoms of Depression" (2016). Psychology: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 3.
Almomani, Samhar and Aronson, Robert, "Engaging African American Male Youth in Assessing Factors Affecting Their Own Health and Wellbeing: A Photovoice and Community Engagement Approach" (2022). Summer Scholarship, Creative Arts and Research Projects (SCARP). 36.
Herzog, Amanda; Sadd, Tracy; and Bowne, David, "History of Interfaith Leadership in America : Documented using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)" (2018). Religious Studies: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 1.
Hornung, Emily E., "A Comparative Policy Analysis: Policies in Mexico and the United States Serving Youth in Street Situations" (2016). Social Work: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 2.
Martinez, Savannah K., "Fostering Resilience of Latinx Youth Within School Environments" (2020). Social Work: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 5.
Sadek, Cece, "The Importance of Cross-System Collaboration for Dual Status Youth" (2022). Social Work: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 6.
Vielee, Alyssa, "Global Jays: Student Perceptions of the Study Abroad Program at Elizabethtown College" (2018). Sociology-Anthropology: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 1.