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Sustainability Resource Guide


Podcast Notes
Direct Current Produced by the US Dept. of Energy
Sustainable Business Fridays Great for Business Students
Energy Transition Show Transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy
The Adaptors Weird ways to survive climate change (fun!)
Sustainability Agenda Focus on sustainable business
Infinite Earth Radio Urban Development/enviro. Justice
Sustainability Defined General sustainability, crash course
Think Sustainability "Practical solutions for a better planet" Everyday living
The Minimalists Podcast Minimalist lifestyle
Sustainababble Comedy; general interest, explanation of jargon
Green is Good Environmental
The Energy Gang Renewable Energy
Sierra Club Radio Conservation news and Green lifestyle tips
Climate One Compiled from recordings of panel conversations in front of a live audience
60-Second Earth Quick-hit reports on more particular topics; great project/paper inspiration
Costing the Earth Anthropogenic impacts to the environment
Ethical Business Podcast International entrepreneurs
Living on Earth Weekly broadcasting or podcast. Int't climate policy and enviro. News
Climate Minutre Climate change, renewable energy and policy
Conscious Chatter Sustainable fashion
