QuickSearch is a discovery tool that retrieves books, articles, media and more found in the High Library Catalog, databases, and digital collections. Use the facets on the left side of the results screen to narrow your search by publication type, language, date, topic and more.
Be persistent in your searching.
Try synonyms.
Use subject searches.
Try searching specific names or words that you have discovered in previous suggested sources.
If you are searching for enzymes, try searching for pepsin, amylase, etc. If you are searching for bacteria, try a specific bacteria like chloroflexus.
Example Searches
digestive enzymes
enzymes AND pH
enzymes AND acid
enzymes AND alkaline
enzymes AND mouth
enzymes AND stomach
enzymes AND temperature
enzymes AND heat
enzymes AND cold
enzymes AND fish AND cold
enzymes AND thermal adaptation
bacterial enzymes AND temperature
Reference database that provides access to a large number of biographical sources, atlases, and encyclopedias covering the arts, business, economics, history, literature, science, technology, religion, philosophy, politics, psychology, geography, country studies, and more.
PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, is a publicly available online database of biomedical and medical journal records. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. Learn about the PubMed Outside Tool!
A multi-disciplinary full-text database of over 10,000 academic journals, newspapers, magazines, reports, and books. Scholarly content covers a broad range of important areas of academic study including the humanities, sciences and social sciences, education, arts, literature, and more.
(replaces Academic Search Complete)
An interdisciplinary archive of journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences, sciences, and mathematics. JSTOR also contains a large collection of scholarly ebooks from academic publishers.
Use Journal Finder to see which journals you can get. Some titles are within the High Library itself (in print, microfiche, or microfilm), others are available electronically in various databases. If the journal is held, check to see if the dates you need are available. This is a powerful gateway to about 33,000 titles!
If the periodical you want is in microfilm or microfiche, you can order copies of the articles online by using ILLiad. Click on Request an Article and fill out the form. You will receive an email with a link when the article is available, usually within 24-48 hours (M-F).
Articles that are not available either in the library or in library databases can be ordered on interlibrary loan, through ILLiad. ILL can take anywhere from 3-5 business days, on average.