QuickSearch is a discovery tool that retrieves books, articles, media and more found in the High Library Catalog, databases, and digital collections. Use the facets on the left side of the results screen to narrow your search by publication type, language, date, topic and more.
Statista provides statistical data from sources such as opinion research institutions, business organizations, scientific journals, trade publications and government agencies. Topics include business, politics, society, technology, education.
The ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research) database has over 9,000 datasets available spanning various social science disciplines and topics. The datasets in ICPSR are primarily quantitative, but it also includes some qualitative datasets.
(replaces Academic Search Complete)
An interdisciplinary archive of journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences, sciences, and mathematics. JSTOR also contains a large collection of scholarly ebooks from academic publishers.
Reference database that provides access to a large number of biographical sources, atlases, and encyclopedias covering the arts, business, economics, history, literature, science, technology, religion, philosophy, politics, psychology, geography, country studies, and more.
Most school libraries have their own databases, as do public libraries. Many of these databases will be geared towards children.
All public libraries in Pennsylvania have access to the databases in the POWER list.
As an Etown student, you are eligible for a library card at the Elizabethtown Public Library.
Use Journal Finder to see which journals you can get. Some titles are within the High Library itself (in print, microfiche, or microfilm), others are available electronically in various databases. If the journal is held, check to see if the dates you need are available. This is a powerful gateway to about 33,000 titles!
If the periodical you want is in microfilm or microfiche, you can order copies of the articles online by using ILLiad. Click on Request an Article and fill out the form. You will receive an email with a link when the article is available, usually within 24-48 hours (M-F).
Articles that are not available either in the library or in library databases can be ordered on interlibrary loan, through ILLiad. ILL can take anywhere from 3-5 business days, on average.