Before you begin company research, you should know a little bit of information about your company.
Company profiles provide succinct overviews of a company. The often include company history, key facts, top executives, major products and services, competitors, and locations/subsidiaries.
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"Publicly traded companies that meet certain criteria are required to file financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
One of those reports is the 10-K, a document filed annually that is sometimes referred to as a company's annual report.
Because the 10-K includes a tremendous amount of detail and legal jargon, most companies also produce a more reader-friendly annual report that typically contains product information, photographs, charts, a letter from the CEO, and other company and financial data." Source: IRIN
A 10-K, which is a report filed by publicly owned companies with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), provides information such as company history, organizational structure, executive compensation, equity, subsidiaries, and audited financial statements.
Following are resources that will help you find company 10-K reports.