Industry research is often most successful if you know the NAICS for your industry. Many business information sources use SIC and NAICS codes as access points.
By RMajouji. CC-BY-2.5. Wikimedia Commons.
NAICS, or the North American Industry Classification System, has been used by government and business since 1997 to standardize the classification of industries.
SIC stands for Standard Industrial Classification code; SIC codes are no longer officially in use, although you will see still SIC's in business sources.
Search for your industry's NAICS
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
(Ref 338.0973 N864 2012)
Allows one to find equivalent industry codes between the Standard Industrial Code (SIC) and the NAICS.
Use databases to find articles and do research on your industry.
Access databases from the High Library webpage under Articles & more.
(replaces Academic Search Complete)