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FYS Something Different Bloomed/Writing in My Room: Taylor Swift and Narrative Writing

Citing a Song Recording, a Lyric, and an Interview


  • For a song lyric, how you cite it in MLA would depend upon where you retrieve the lyrics from. Assuming that most of you will cite lyrics from a website, you would use the citation formatting for a webpage source. I will provide an example for the song lyrics I retrieved online for Taylor Swift's "seven." Be sure that the lyrics you are citing are from a website that clearly labels all of the writers and that the lyrics are correct. It would be ideal if Swift had her lyrics posted on her official site, but she does not.



Dessner, Aaron, and Taylor Swift. "Taylor Swift Lyrics: seven." AZ Lyrics, Accessed 30 October 2024.

Online MLA Citation Examples

Selected MLA Works Cited Examples

MLA Handbook (9th Edition)


Book with one author

Author's name: Last Name, First Name. Book Title (italicized). Publisher, year.

Sparks, Nicholas. The Best of Me. Grand Central Publishing, 2011.


Article from a database (e.g. Academic Search Ultimate) - For three or more authors

Author's Name(s): Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Journal Title (italicized), volume, issue, month year, page numbers. name of database (italicized), DOI (if none can be found use a permalink or URL).

Segal, Scott, et al. "Plagiarism in Residency Application Essays." Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 153, no. 2, July 2010, pp. 112-120. MEDLINE Complete,



Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Page Title.” Name of Website, Publisher, Date, URL.

Howell, Elizabeth. “Exoplanets: Worlds Beyond Our Solar System.”, 30 Mar. 2018,


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