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The CRAAP acronym for evaluating sources, particularly those found online. 


C - Currency  - When was the source published and does the date of publication meet the needs of the research topic?

R - Relevance - Does the information in the source directly apply to your research and help to support your thesis or research question? 

A - AuthorityThis is an important one when looking at online sources. Is the author / authors an authority on the topic? Is the publisher of the information trustworthy and reliable? If you aren't familiar with the publication or website, you should do some quick research on it to make sure it is a professional publisher. If the resource doesn't appear to be professional, could you find a better source elsewhere online or from a database?

A - AccuracyDoes the source cite or link to research that backs its claims or arguments? Are those resources also reliable or trustworthy? 

P - Purpose Is the source meant to inform or is its purpose to sell something or to entertain?

The CRAAP Test was developed by Meriam Library at California State University, Chico and is sharable via a CC License.

Scholarly vs. Popular vs. Trade Publications

How can you tell the difference between SCHOLARLY JOURNAL ARTICLES, POPULAR NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES, and TRADE PUBLICATION MAGAZINES? Here is a table with some key differences.



Image result for journal of education


Image result for time magazine


Image result for OT practice magazine

  • Academic research
  • Academic reviews
  • Language is formal and can include field jargon
  • Articles are often lengthy
  • Popular culture Info
  • Current events/ news
  • Language is usually more informal
  • Articles tend to be shorter
  • Industry/field news
  • Professional interest articles
  • Language is heavy on professional jargon though usually not as formal as a scholarly article
  • Articles are short
  • Scholars
  • Researchers
  • Undergraduate/Graduate Students
  •  General public
  • Industry/Field Professionals 
  • Always listed and usually extensive
  • Scientific journals include original research info/data
  • Never (though sources are often quoted within the text)
  • Sometimes listed but not extensive research cited
  • Scholars/Researchers  
  • Usually journalists
  • Sometimes scholars or professionals
  • Usually working professionals (teachers, therapists, etc.) 
  • Sometimes scholars within the field
  • "Peer-reviewed" by an editorial board of scholars in particular field
  • Editorial staff, usually made up of journalists
  • Editorial staff, usually made up of professionals
  • Most visuals are graphs or charts with data
  • Some will have a small picture or two but typically have none
  • Usually no or few ads
  • Frequently contain glossy ads 
  • Contain large and numerous pictures to accompany articles
  • Frequently contain advertisements and some pictures to accompany articles (though not as many as in a popular magazine or newspaper)
  • The American Journal of Psychology
  • The Journal of Asian Studies
  • Journal of Academic Librarianship
  • Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
  • American Music
  • Time
  • Rolling Stone
  • Scientific American
  • Consumer Reports
  • The New York Times
  • OT Practice Magazine
  • College and Research Libraries News
  • NEA (National Education Association) Today Magazine
  • Billboard