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Reference database that provides access to a large number of biographical sources, atlases, and encyclopedias covering the arts, business, economics, history, literature, science, technology, religion, philosophy, politics, psychology, geography, country studies, and more.
Brethren Encyclopedia, 3 vols, 1983. (Ref 286.5 B844)
The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, 1989. ( 297.03 G549c)
Contemporary American Religion, 2 vols., 2000 (Ref 200.973 C761
Encyclopaedia Judaica, 21 vols., 2007. (Ref 296.03 En56)
Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism, 3 vols., 1998. (Ref 291.23 En56)
Encyclopedia of American Religions, 1999. (Ref 200.973 M528e6)
Encyclopedia of Buddhism, 2004. (Ref 294.303 En562)
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Modern World, 2004. (Ref 297.03 En56)
The Encyclopedia of Judaism, 1989. (296.03 En562)
The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, 2 vols., 1998. (Ref 322.103 En56)
Encyclopedia of Protestantism, 2004. (Ref 280.403 En56)
The Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd. ed., 15 vols., 2005 (Ref 203 En56 2005)
The Encyclopedia of Religion, 1986, Eliade, Mircea (203 En56)
The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, 2006. (Ref 201.7703 En56)
An Encyclopedia of Religions in the United States: 100 Religious Groups Speak for Themselves, 1992. (291.0973 En562)
The Encyclopedia of the American Religious Experience, 1988. (Ref 291.0973 En56)
Guide to Buddhist Religion, 1981. (Ref 294.3016 R462g)
Guide to Islam, 1983. (297.016 G946)
Harper Collins Dictionary of Religion, 1995. (Ref 200.3 H295)
The Hindu World: An Encyclopedic Survey of Hinduism, 1969. (Ref 294.503 W179h v.2)
The History of Science and Religion in the Western Tradition: an Encyclopedia, 2000. (Ref 291.175 H673)
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, 2 vols. 2002. (Ref 294.503 L812i )
The Mennonite Encyclopedia, 5 vols., 1955-59. (Ref 289.703 M527)
Mennonite World Handbook, 1990. (289.7 M5472)
New Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 vols., 2003-. (Ref 230.203 N536)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, 4 vols.1995-. (Ref909.0976 Ox98)