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With links to a variety of resources just for your course, this guide is a great place to start your research! Remember that these are only some of the sources that may be useful to you. Have a question? Feel free to use the contact information in the sidebar!
Image: Granville Redmond and Charlie Chaplin, 1918, Public Domain Work from The New York Times.
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Elizabethtown College students, faculty, and staff can receive online access to the New York Times through its web site via a subscription paid for by the High Library.
Once you have registered, you can then access from any location, on or off campus.
A multi-disciplinary full-text database of over 10,000 academic journals, newspapers, magazines, reports, and books. Scholarly content covers a broad range of important areas of academic study including the humanities, sciences and social sciences, education, arts, literature, and more.
(replaces Academic Search Complete)
This bibliography database directs researchers to more than 3 million citations from journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, scholarly websites, editions, and translations published from the late 19th century to the present. Covers a broad range of humanities subjects, including world languages and literature, linguistics, dramatic arts, film, folklore, rhetoric and writing studies, teaching of language, and history of publishing.
(replaces MLA International Bibliography)
An interdisciplinary archive of journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences, sciences, and mathematics. JSTOR also contains a large collection of scholarly ebooks from academic publishers.
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Text: 717-759-9178
Call: 717-361-1461